Saturday, June 29, 2013


It is such a hard thing, especially when you have 4 kids, who you homeschool, dog, and husband who is gone for work. I keep telling myself I have to get a better schedule and stick to it, but then I don't want to feel so ridged that we can never deviate from it. How do I fit everything in, homeschooling, exercise, cleaning, keeping up with daily tasks, making sure I'm eating good, spending time with the kids doing fun stuff, and etc....I feel like I can always do better. You would think I have things down pretty well, since I have been a mom for awhile now:) I really need to sit down and come up with a good schedule this summer for next school year. I'm sure most moms try to figure out balance daily, more on this later.

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Weekly Checkup

I didn't update as to how last week went, as far as my biking was concerned I got my miles in. Eating department, that is a different story. I had wrote my menu out and I don't know what happened. I did ok for some of my meals and then terrible for others. This week now I wrote out my menu and posted it on the frig. I have followed it so far. I have been really good and got my miles in. I have 4 days left of this month and have to go 6 miles each day to get my 150.  I'm thinking what should be my goal for July another 150 or bump it up to say 170 or 180. I have to keep moving forward!!!!

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

My Bike

I wanted to show a picture of the bike I ride. I have to say when my husband first came home with it, I wasn't impressed. Then I started to ride it and I was hooked, I love it. To back up a bit, it was three years ago and I had been busy saving a little bit of money each week into our savings. I wanted to have a nice little stash of money for Christmas. Well, my husband was out running a few errands with two of the kids and they found themselves at the pawn shop. My husband couldn't believe what he had saw, there was the bike for me. We had been wanting to get me a bike because everyone in our family had one and my husband wanted to get back into cycling. He did a lot of cycling when he was younger and competed in races. My husband came home, told me about it and wondered if he could buy it. I thought about it and didn't really want to use my little nest egg, but this was such a great deal so I said ok. When he got it home and I went out to look at it my mouth dropped, it was orange and not what I thought. My husband felt bad, I felt bad because I should not have acted that way, I should have been grateful. It didn't take long and I fell in love with it. We are now maybe talking of getting me a different bike next year and while I think I want a new one I feel kinda attached to my big orange bicycle.

Monday, June 17, 2013

Menu Plan 06/17

I'm hoping my writing this down I can be more accountable and stick to my plan.


Muffin in a Mug-Trim Healthy Mama recipe, I will talk more about book.
Strawberry Oatmeal Muffin


BLT Salad-Trim Healthy Mama
Not sure because I'm taking kids to movies????
Wed and Thursday
BLT Salad-Trim Healthy Mama
Sweet Potato


Creamy Chix-THM
Cheeseburger Pie-THM
Chix Tenders-THM

Wasa crisps with Laughing Cow cheese
String cheese
Skinny Chocolate-THM

To tell or not?

That is the question I'm struggling with. My husband and kids know I started a new blog, but I haven't yet decided to tell anyone else. I fear people will look at it again as here she goes again trying to lose weight, get fit, trying something new again. So, I think for now I will just keep it to myself and in due time I will tell people, ideally this blog is for me.

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Goals for June

My goal for June was to do 150 miles, I have 65 in. I just don't know if I'll get there. The reason for stepping it up is because in September it can be so iffy here with weather and school starting up again . It would mean I have to do a little over 6 miles a day until the end of the month. It sure is possible, but there are always rain days, but I'm going to try my hardest. No excuses!!!

500 miles in 5 months

That is my goal for this summer, from May until the end of Sept. I have already biked 165 miles.
In this blog I would like to document not just my 500 miles, but my journey to lose 120+ pounds.