Friday, August 30, 2013

Wed, Thurs

Wednesday, no workout too hot!! Eating was ok, a few slip ups.
Thursday, rode 5 miles, I feel sooo much better. Drank a ton of water. Eating was good.

I stepped on scale this morning and it was better than I thought it was going to be.  Hopefully this weekend I can go at least 5 miles each day.

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Thurs, Fri, Sat, Sun, Mon, Tues

Thursday, I did a little over 5 miles. eating was pretty good.
Fri-Tues, it is kind of a blur, I didn't bike at all except for Fri I did .5 miles to get to my 500 goal. I have been so busy deep cleaning my house getting ready for my little guys party, school and to top it off it is very hot and humid. My eating hasn't been the best either.
My plan, refocus today and get back on track, I don't think I'm going to weigh in, I don't want to get super discouraged. I may go for a ride tonight, we will see because its suppose to be hot again.

One positive thing I did make my goal 5 weeks early!!!!

Thursday, August 22, 2013


Today was no workout, but I was plenty busy deep cleaning my bedroom.
Eating was pretty good, I did have a few slip ups, but I did not over do it. I love Diet Mt Dew and I have been trying to stop drinking, well it has been over 6 days since I have had one, huge victory for me.

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Monday, Tuesday

Monday-I rode my bike only a little over 2 miles, eating was good.
Tuesday-I rode my bike a little over 5 miles, eating was good.

I'm trying to do so much better with my eating and I feel better. I'm only 6 miles away from my 500 mile goal. I'm hoping I can do at least 600 miles by the end of September.

Monday, August 19, 2013

Friday, Saturday, Sunday

Friday-Went for 5 mile ride, eating was ok. Then another 3 later on.
Saturday-Went for 5 mile ride, then another 3 later on. My eating was much better today.
Sunday-Went for a 5 mile ride, My eating was better today.

I'm trying to keep my carbs low and no treats, I've been drinking a ton of water.
The scale said 295.2, so basically the same as last week, I drank so much water yesterday.

Friday, August 16, 2013


No workout to today. My little guy was sick so I didn't want to leave him. I'm struggling to find balance these last few weeks of summer. I have so much to get ready for the school year. I'm trying to prepare for a thrift sale, deep clean my house from top to bottom, plan out our school year, try to finish last minute projects and try to stick in some fun things with the kids. I feel just plain ole,worn out. My eating yesterday was better. I'm up early so hoping for a bike ride.

Thursday, August 15, 2013


What can I say, I started out the day good with a big glass of water, and a few almonds, went on a 5 mile ride. We were going away for the day and running low on time so we went to McD's. Lunch I did ok a few cucumbers slices and two tiny pieces of pizza, but then we went out for ice cream. Came home drank some water and then we did out to eat pizza for dinner, I had way too much. We went for a mile bike ride, not too long because my daughter crashed and I wanted to make sure she was ok.
Then my night time, oh I need a snack came, I had a few chips and then some peanut butter, I did drink more water. Overall not the greatest day in the eating dept. Hoping today will be better, I didn't start off with my ride because I think my son is sick maybe, he had a fever over night, I praying he is ok. I feel like I'm loosing my push to exercise. I'm just not motivated this week.

Wednesday, August 14, 2013


Today went OK again, I didn't work out, I drank a ton of water. My meals were alright. I resisted temptation a few times, but a few times it didn't work out so well.

Tuesday, August 13, 2013


Monday was an OK day. I biked a little over three miles. I drank a ton of water, had an apple. I was pretty mindful of my eating. Hoping today Tuesday will be even better.

Weekly Checkup

I just don't know what is going on. I stepped on the scale yesterday and it said 295.4. I'm not eating a ton. The only thing I can think of is. I have a lot water retention or my hormones are severely messed up. I'm so frustrated to get on the scale week after week and see it go up and I'm not eating a ton of food, that I should be going up on the scale. I biked on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday all 5 miles, I might I have done more miles on Tuesday, but I forgot. Friday- no bike. Sat was a short one 3 miles and Sunday was a little over 7 miles.  Goals this next week do miles everyday, write down what I'm eating, do 3 days walking video and 3 days weights. A apple a day and water before every meal.

Tuesday, August 6, 2013


My day Monday went alright, I did exercise and weight video, I only managed to get in 2 miles.
As far as meals
B-Cinnamon Muffin in a Mug w/raspberries
L-Black Bean salad, which had tomatoes, avocado, romaine lettuce, cheese, 5 tortilla chips, ranch. Apple
S- Nutella w/ three pretzel sticks
D-Broccoli, Spoonful rice w/ beef chow mein, Strawberries
S- Nutella spoonful-UGH I hate that Nutella calls my name. Cheese Slices

I could of done way better, but I was more mindful of what I was eating. It so easy to just put stuff in your mouth and not even think about it.

Monday, August 5, 2013

Weekly Weighin and Checkup

OK, this will be short because I updated later last week and I must get my workouts done before kids wake up. So, August 1 I needed a rest day. August 2 got 10 miles in, August 3 got 9 miles in, August 4 got 6 miles in. The good thing was I got up those 3 days and went before kids got up. August 5, which is today I can't go this morning because it is raining, so I will do weights and video and hopefully I will go this afternoon. Today also that's it, I need to be super mindful of what I'm eating.
I think I may come back with a daily check-in, That might make me more accountable.

Goals this week

Bike 6 days 9-10 miles
Exercise video 3 days
Weights 3days
Mindful eating
An Apple a Day
16oz water before B, L, D

My Weight this morning


I keep going up and down from about 293-287 since Jan. UGH!!!

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Weekly Checkup

I thought the week was going to start out "normal" and then life happened and I didn't get my miles in like I had hoped.  So, for the month of July I had a goal of 180 miles. I was 34 miles short. I tried my best to come close. My miles total for this summer is 396. In August I would like to get to 500 which is only 104 miles, but I would like to make a daily goal of 10 miles a day. I need to really kick it up. I know by doing this I would obviously go over the 104. I need to really be mindful of my eating it is out of control sometimes. I just don't think. I'm so frustrated at myself, how many times does it take for me to realize, I need to mindful of everything I put into my mouth. How many times do I start over. I don't think there is ever a day I don't think about my weight. I feel exhausted, I have tried my whole life to be at a normal weight. My first "diet" was when I was 7. I just want to shop/have normal clothes. I don't want to worry everyone is looking at me, I'm sick of always being the biggest one. I'm sick of looking at my medical records seeing obese. I'm tired of having high blood pressure. One thing I do know is that I'm so thankful my husband loves me unconditionally and so do my kids. I love them more than they will ever know!!!!

So goals for August:

Get to 500 miles
Go at least 10 miles per day x 6 week
Do weights at least 3 days week
Do Exercise video 3 days week
Weigh in and post weight on Mondays
Drink glass of water before every meal.
Stop eating by 730pm every night
Have an Apple a day
Be mindful about eating.