Monday, July 22, 2013

Weekly Checkup

Last week was kinda crazy,  I worked out with the video 3 days, did weights 2 days, biked 4 days. A couple factors here it was soooo hot and I was just to tired one of the days. I did not meet my goals, but at least I was close. I need to do at least 8.8 miles on my bike the rest of the month to meet my goal. Husband is home this week, so I should be able to fit early morning rides in. My goals this week are just to get my rides in.

Monday, July 15, 2013

Weekly Checkup

My week this week went pretty well. I'm still 10 miles behind where I should be to make my goal at the end of July. I did ride everyday except one. I managed to do a youtube video, walk a mile by Leslie Sansone for 4 days. My eating was a little better, I tried to eat more consciously . The
scale doesn't seem to want to move. I'm feeling very frustrated, plus I have all these other thoughts and emotions going on in my head about different things that doesn't help.  I have to keep saying to myself never give up, just keep on keeping on and so or later it will start to click. I love to go pinterest because they have a ton of quotes to keep you motivated.
Last week I watched some more movies on plant based diets which were very good.
I saw Food Matters and Vegucated, It helps to stay motivated.
This week my goals are 5 days at 8.66 and one day at 6.66, then I should be all caught up. I would like to do 4 days exercise video and 3 days weights. Plan to keep eating consciously and try to follow some of skinny rules again. I was thinking of posting my weight to keep me motivated, I just don't know if I'm ready.

Monday, July 8, 2013

Weekly Checkup

This week seemed to fly by. I don't know if it was because the 4th was thrown in there or what.
As far as my riding, I did ok. 31 miles was my total, I was short of my goal for the week, but I decided not to ride on the 4th and it was very hot so I did only a couple of miles one day.
It is so hard to keep balance sometimes because my daughter learned to ride without training wheels and she loves to go on rides, but there is know way she is going to go 6 or 7 miles so I try to split it up. I love riding with my kids, but I think I need to go on my own sometimes. I did do that this week once and it was great!!!! Sometimes I feel like a broken record...... My eating this week was not so good, some meals were ok and then I would go off the deep end. I think it was poor planning and then going to long between meals. I did take walk one day also, not the three I planned but it was something.
I have read a few good books recently about weight loss
Trim Healthy Mama- Very good, I learned a lot in this one. Which it kinda seems to tie into PCOS book.
The Skinny Rules by Bob Harper- Very good also, There are 20 rules he would like you to follow.
The PCOS Diet Plan- This one I'm in the middle of, I guess I have thought I have had this for quite a
few years. The doctors always gives me all these blood tests and they always come back fine, but I have so many of the symptoms. Some things so far tie into the first two books.

I also watched a couple of good health related movies
Fat Sick and Nearly Dead
Forks over Knives
Both very good movies, they both talk about eating more of a plant based diet.

This quote from Forks over Knives I really liked

He That Takes Medicine and Neglects Diet, Wastes the Time of His Doctor.
Ancient Chinese Proverb

My goals for this week
Bike my 6.66 miles for 6 days
Try three days of some other exercise, walking, exercise video.
Try to focus on rules from The Skinny Rules, which some of the rules I already do.
I would love if I can get the scale to move it seems like since Jan. I have lost and gained the same 5 pounds constantly.

Monday, July 1, 2013

Weekly Checkup

Yay!! I did it. I biked 150 miles in June, so that brings my total to 250 since May 1. My goal for July is 180 miles. It will be about 6.66 miles a day. I gave myself 4 days off. I think I will add in a exercise video or walking at least three days a week.  My eating this week has been sometimes good sometimes not so good. We are running low on groceries, so I have just been eating what we have trying to make good decisions. I have trouble having enough will power not eating things I shouldn't. I'm for sure addicted to sugar, UGH!!! My goal for July is just to keep trying to make good decisions one meal at a time, being conscious what I'm putting in my mouth. Mindless eating gets me every time.

It is so hard for me not to just be happy that I accomplished my goal, because in the back of my mind I keep thinking I could of done more, look at other people they ride for over three hours and on and on........ I really need to stop this and just be happy in the moment and keep striving a little more each day. Today is a no ride day, I think I may walk though, I promised the kids we would go to the park, ok!! I may ride :)